Friday, June 25, 2004


*Sum of All Fears was a very action-packed movie. It was also full of BS. When that bomb goes off, those people would all have been dead. DEAD. There would have been no heroic rescue, no agonizing over when/where/how to retaliate, no "just-in-time" revelation of important details. It would have been over in that one blast. Watch it and see if you don't agree.

*I have begun to miss my students. It didn't take long, did it?

*I don't think that the US is quite ready for Graham Norton. I laugh myself silly watching him, but I doubt that the religious rightwingers who are currently holding our country in a stranglehold find him quite so funny.

*My chest muscles are SERIOUSLY rebelling against the exercise I have done lately. Or perhaps it was raking the lawn that did it. Whatever it was, I have had several quite painful muscle spasms this evening and I will be glad when they stop.

*Mikey cut his hair quite short today. That is what we get for going to a barber that is straight out of the 1950's I guess. Actually, it is pretty cute - and fuzzy.

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