Friday, July 20, 2007


It's done. We signed the lease papers for Escuela del Sol today. We get to pick up the keys on Aug. 15th and we will hopefully be doing business by Sept. 1.

I own a business.



Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I am soooo excited for you.

You are now on your way to becoming a republican.

Anonymous said...

congratulations... wow.. nice first steps... I look forward to hearing more as you progress...If you have any autistic children Raya might have some ideas for you...
Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Glad to see things came together for you as expected. It seems like a great opportunity to expand your talents to those in need. Once again, i'm so very proud of you.

Dragonfly Shaman said...

Congrats! Looking forward to more of your mojo going into our kids.

BTW- 2/20 (1)
