Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Post MLK, Jr. Day Post

I can't help but wonder if kids today question why adults make such a big freakin' deal about skin color.  They have grown up in a much more accepting and blended world.  Their friends are different colors and nationalities.  Their experiences are much more varied than ours ever were.  Thanks to today's far-reaching media, they have been exposed to cultures and beliefs from around the world during those early, formative years when "normal" is defined.
Don't get me wrong.  I know that there is still plenty of hatred and racism out there.  I know that there are still kids being raised (intentionally or otherwise) to fear that which is different from themselves.  But if you have LIVED with an open mind from the beginning, instead of having to LEARN it later in life, wouldn't it seem silly to make such a big deal out of open-mindedness?

Please don't take this to mean that I think we should stop celebrating MLK, Jr. or the progress that has been made.  I'm just hoping that our remembrances don't stagnate to the point that future generations can't relate to them.  We can't spend so much time patting ourselves on the back for not remaining in the past that we forget how much further we have to go in the future.  Or something like that.

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