Sunday, June 30, 2002

I have begun to re-read The Celestine Prophecy. It is a book that deals with why we are here...the reason for being...the meaning of life. It talks about spirituality, relationships, society and the future of humanity. I read it when I first received it, several birthdays ago, but I don't remember much about the "meat" of the story. I don't remember what it was teaching me. A few days ago I was talking with Joie about books. I was looking at my shelf reserved for "special" books - the ones that really spoke to me - and I saw this one. I was moved to read it again, to remind myself of what it was that made me decide to put it on that particular shelf. As I read, I will analyze, discuss, evaluate, ramble on about the ideas it presents in an attempt to hold it's message more deeply than the last time. It is written in such a way that you follow a man on a journey. Along the way he is introduced to several "insights" that explain to him the reasoning behind much human behaviour and show him a new and improved future. I will be taking the book in much the same way. I will discuss each insight as it appears.

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