Sunday, April 04, 2004

I am bery, bery sneaky, sir!

On Sunday mornings, there is a church that meets in the multi-purpose room of our school. This means Sundays are a good day to sneak in and work without having to mess with the alarm. I headed in for a few hours to attempt to bring some order to the towering pile of papers I have in my "to be filed" box. Okay - I'll be honest - BOXES.

I was there for 3 hours, working diligently, and I managed to sort the papers in to curriculum areas (math, lang. arts, soc. stud., science, holiday projects, and letters/memos). I then managed to go through the math, soc. stud., and science areas, putting like with like and organizing in a logical order. I did NOT get to lang. arts (the biggest stack) or letters/memo (the second biggest stack - our school could really save money if they would stop wasting so much paper!), so I brought them home to sort through at my leisure. I also did NOT manage to get the organized stuff into file folders or put into the filing cabinet, so it looks like I have at least a few more hours of paperwork to do at school.

I also have to spend some time photocopying and preparing for the next few weeks of school. Lots to do. Fortunately, I have another whole week without students in which to do it. I love how productive and calm my classroom is when I am the only person there. :) Of course, give me a couple more days and I will be wishing my kids were there to harass me and make things interesting.

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