Saturday, May 27, 2006

166 down, 14 to go

There are three weeks of school left and I have a 3 day weekend during which I may prepare. (I use the term prepare loosely here, as my recent "preparation" strategy is to turn around after finishing a lesson, stare blankly at the board, and wonder what we should be doing next*.) I think I am off to a good start today, having taken a total of three naps ranging in duration from 2 hours to 15 minutes. I can only imagine the excitement that tomorrow will bring!

Per the usual End-Of-The-Year rush there are too many things to do and not enough time in which to do them. I submit to you a partial list:

final reading test
final writing test
final math test
make solar system posters
presend solar system posters
attend 3rd grade performance
thank parent volunteers
attend chorus performance
kick ass at field day
participate in softball tournament
picnic with 2nd grade buddies
rehearse for graduation
collect and return all library books
strip walls
empty desks and cubbies
hold goodie auction
attend graduation
tearfully say goodbye

You can see it is going to be a stressful few weeks.

*To any parents who might have accidentally come across this blog I beg you to see the sarcasm and self-depreciation contained within this sentence and refrain from reporting me to the authorities! In case you need motivation, and since I have yet to fill in the report cards for this trimester, just contact me with your prefered GPA and it can be arranged**.

**Again, I jest. Really.

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