Saturday, November 10, 2007

Brothers and Sisters

Have I mentioned lately how amazing my siblings are?

Shanta - performing all the task involved in raising 4 happy, healthy, active children while holding a high-stress job that involves caring for the well-being of other people, dealing with the depth and breadth of everyday challenges that life can throw at you with humor and perseverance

Tyson - attending a variety of high level math and science courses and maintaining exceptional grades while holding a job and establishing a solid plan for his future, in a long-term relationship with a very nice girl, displaying a depth of caring and understanding that is incredibly rare in his generation

Brooks - also taking a wide range of extremely challenging classes and performing exceptionally well, clearly illustrating that it is possible to change the path of your life given the proper strength of character, constantly teaching me something fascinating about politics, geology, botony, or whatever else has captured his interest

For a long time, through the happenstance of birth order, I was ahead of my siblings in the game of life. I went to college first, I moved out on my own first, I got married first. Suddenly, they are catching up to and surpassing me in so many ways. I am constantly amazed at the adults my brothers and sister are becoming. I have always loved these three as siblings, but I find myself developing a deeper respect for their individual talents and knowledge. They each have abilities in areas that complete baffle me. So, let me state for the record:
My siblings ROCK.

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