Monday, June 30, 2008

No, I don't want to talk about it. Thanks anyway.

I have never been arrested.
I have never flunked a class.
I have never gotten kicked out of an apartment.
I have never driven drunk.
I have never stolen anything.
I have never committed a violent act against another person.
I have never squandered large amounts of money.
I have never asked for anything.
I have never failed to be there when you needed me.

Perhaps if I had done a couple of these things, it would be a little harder to forget about me. A little harder to convince yourself that I can take care of myself. Or at the very least a little harder to put me dead last behind every other single thing you include in your oh-so-busy life.

It's not the lack of support that hurts because I really can take care of myself. It's the complete and utter lack of understanding you have for how little you have really done for me. It's the fact that you don't see the imbalance. And the fact that I will never, ever point it out to you.

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Okay. Enough of that. I have had my pity party and I am moving on. I don't plan on letting this particular demon out to play again for some time. I apologize to anyone who happened to see this pathetic bit of self-absorbed whining. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

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