Saturday, May 13, 2006

School News

School continues to take up much of my time. My kids are suffering under the delusion that they are already middle schoolers. I am learning to deal with the Drama (yes, with a capital D!) of pre-teen emotions and relationships without taking anything too personally. My students and I are carefully navigating the new balance between what they want/need and what I want/need in our room. It is more of a challenge to get them to cooperate, but it is more amazing and enjoyable when it happens. I must admit that I am relieved to hear that dismissal bell on some days, though.

That being said, I must give my students their props. We are smack dab in the middle of our state testing now, and I am proud to be able to say that all of my kids seem to be doing their very best. I don't care what their scores are as long as they are really putting their best effort into it. We have worked hard this year, and I am proud of my kiddos. While I continue to feel that we are asking too much of them and pushing them too far, this group seems to be handling the pressure well. They know that it is important to show what they have learned, but none of them are taking it so seriously that they let it cripple them.

To help them with this, I have upped the level of humor and relaxation in the afternoons. We are spending more time playing games (reviewing concepts, but still fun), working on high interest projects (Mothers' Day! Talent Show!), and burning some of the Spring Fever energy that builds up every time the sun peeks through the haze. There has been a plethora of jokes and laughter, making school a much more relaxing place than the previous month. We are all enjoying that.

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