Saturday, September 09, 2006

You Know What Happens When You're Having Fun...

We have now completed 3 weeks of school. I have roughly 35 weeks left with these kids. time moves too damn fast, you know. On a more positive note, I realized mid-week that I have transitioned out of the beginning of the year mode where I have to pre-think everyone's names before I say them to the more comfortable mode of saying a name before I consciously realize who is talking to me. It feels good to be the leader of a group of friendly faces. Much easier than trying to lead complete strangers.

I am definitely reaping the benefits of a year of experience and a summer of prep time. While I am still staying later than I would like (not because I don't like it at school, but because there are so few hours left to spend with hubby and home), I am able to plan farther in advance, available for more one on one instruction, and doing things like documenting parent contact and "important" daily events. I am also participating in the running of the school on a greater level.

The best thing about this is that I am working more social/emotional development, art, and music into my schedule. We are conducting a once weekly class meeting, and the children are already using it productively. They have shared numerous compliments with one another, as well as addressed important classroom management issues (the same people keep getting to lie on the crotched blankets at silent reading time and people are moving backpacks around so they can have the "best" hook). Each Monday, my students will either spend 20 minutes doing an art project with another teacher (while I work with his kids) or learning music appreciation with me. It's not much, but it is more than my kids got last year. I am also going to try to participate in the morning exercise program. Students have 15 minutes to run or walk around the playing field. Those who reach certain goals (25 miles, 50 miles, etc.) receive goodies from one of the local grocery stores. I can't remember a teacher ever taking part, but I figure it will encourage more of my students to do so AND as an added bonus, give me 15 minutes of exercise each morning. We'll see if it works out.

All in all, I am feeling quite pleased with the progress my group has made toward becoming a cohesive unit. I am looking forward to a very productive and enjoyable year. Oh! And best of all, the kids have relaxed enough to laugh at my little jokes instead of worrying that I am being serious all the time.

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