Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A good thing to collect

I have gathered quite a collection of good things this week...

* my hubby has done numerous household chores, making it so that I didn't have to do them
* my principal sent me a complimentary note
* the transplant coordinator at Mayo who had to listen to me complain about what a pain it is to get my yearly crosscheck blood draws done was understanding and helpful
* I was able to find someone who was willing to be suckered into doing my blood draw
* Amy called to tell me that the kidney is doing spectacularly - taking good care of not just Amy, but also the little one she's carrying
* I got to come home relatively early this evening
* my cherry tree is blooming its little heart out even though it is not much more than a 3 foot stalk covered with leaves
* I have been given permission to use the little office off of my room as a classroom library - now I can give my kiddos a little elbow room (they're getting big, you know, almost middle schoolers!)
* there are less than 8 weeks of school left
* we now have 25 students enrolled for tutoring - we are actually making a small amount of profit each month - I think I'm currently earning about...ooh! a whopping 4 dollars an hour
* we got some new netflix today - now I can not only get my Lost on, but also my Battlestar Galactica, my Alian, and my Quantum Leap

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