Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Living the Dream

Lots of grown ups like to tell teenagers to enjoy what they have because they are in the "best years of your life". Not me. I remember how horrible my teen years were. I remember the anguish and the heartache and the confusion. I remember being torn between childhood and adulthood in a way that made things come out of my mouth that shocked even me. I wouldn't go back to that if you paid me a million dollars. And my teenage-ed-ness was mild compared to most.

However, I think I am currently living a personal era that I will look back on and long for. At this moment (re: just about any moment from the past couple of years) I am residing in a state of contentment and enjoyment that would be difficult to duplicate. I was contemplating this on the ride home the other night. I decided there were several "fronts" which affect my life, each of which just happens to be in a well-balanced, pleasant place right now...

Family: A large majority of my family members are happy and healthy. They are all getting along relatively well with each other and spectacularly well with me. Although many are very far away, I am in regular contact.

Marriage: Things are going quite well on this front. There are a minimum of disagreements and those that crop up are dealt with through open communication and compromise.

Home: The house is in good shape and we are doing small projects to make it even better. Our location continues to suit us perfectly. Chores are getting done regularly, often by Mikey. (hee hee) The kitties are healthy and well-behaved.

Work: I am enjoying the experience of working with 5th graders. My students are remarkably responsible, cooperative, and friendly. The challenges of teaching a new grade level keep me interested and involved without getting totally overwhelming. My coworkers continue to be supportive in both work and personal matters.

Friends: My friends are among the most entertaining and amusing people in the world. They are always there when I need them. They trust me and are trustworthy.

Fun: I have found a variety of ways to have fun. I am knitting and reading and playing games with friends and generally having a blast.

All in all, I am truly enjoying myself. Life is good and I know that when I am older I will think back to this time and wish I could experience it again. Better enjoy it while I can, huh?

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