Monday, June 02, 2003

My students wrote letters to famous people as part of their homework recently...

May 23, 2003

Dear Lizzie
Wanted to write and let you know that I saw your movie last weekend, it was very good. I bet it was cool dancing with a Italian popstar in Rome. It was funny when you were trying to lipsync but you got better. great job!

your fan

And another...

May 22, 2003

Dear Jeff
I like how you race. Sometimes I see you driving in your car on the Tv. What does it feel to be famous? Can you send me a picture of your race car. I'm in third grade. When I play my racing game on computer I always choose you. Please write back or call me back.


This next one is frustrating, because this is a bright kid who is just completely disinterested in school and could care less about any of it. He KNOWS how to write a letter, but can't be bothered to take the time. Ugh.

Dear Jude, spy kids

I liked your moive it was cool and are you the boy or the girl and I liked your first moive too the robot kids where cool. your 2nd one was better than your first one.


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