Monday, March 06, 2006

More Games to Play at Home

As I mentioned before, we have a surprising number of food items in our cupboard that are a mystery to me. How did they get there? If I bought them, WHY?? And what the heck are we going to do with them? Play a game, of course!

Each night we are drawing the name of one of these items from a hat. That item must be featured in the evening meal in some fashion. We may not buy non-essential food items until these things are used up. Some foods on our list:

* 4 boxes of pudding
* cous-cous
* slightly shriveled potatoes
* a package of some noodle stroganoff thing
* two different bread crumb items, one of which is Japanese
* a small bag of dried, refried beans
* wheat bran
* stuffing from a box
* two different flavors of rice-a-roni
* wild rice (I like it, but it takes FOREVER to cook)
* Cream of Wheat (only edible in the form of dumplings)

We should be having some interesting meals in the near future!

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