Sunday, August 20, 2006


This morning, for no reason at all, an ant bit me on the foot right where my second and third toes come together. That spot has been on a slow burn all day long. Ugh. I have learned some new things from this fun adventure, however...

1. Ants, bees, and hornets are all of the order hymenoptera.
2. Ants, like all hymenoptera, sting rather than biting.
3. Ants will grab on with their mandibles and spin their butt around, stinging you repeatedly in a circular pattern.
4. Ant stings can cause an anaphylactic reaction in humans, occasionally leading to death.
5. Benedryll can help counteract a mild reaction to ant stings.
6. We are currently out of Benedryll.

Fortunately, all but the last were learned through internet research, rather than personal experience.

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