Monday, September 26, 2005

No wonder I can't shake this cold.

This is what a typical day looks like right now...

6:00 Alarm goes off. Feed cats and try to decide which is more urgently needed, a shower or 30 minutes more sleep.

6:30 Finished with either showering or sleeping, I get dressed and eat breakfast with my nose buried in a book.

7:00 Get packed up and head to school.

7:45 Get to school. Do paperwork/grading/recording/prepping unless I am needed in a meeting (one day a week). Often distracted by calls or visits from parents or other teachers.

9:00 Collect class from outside and commence the morning.

11:30 Work through my break.

12:45 Eat lunch while talking with co-workers. Common topics include teaching strategies, upcoming lessons/units, problems with students (and potential solutions), successes with students, office gossip, and personal information.

1:30 Collect class from outside and commence the afternoon.

3:15 Dismiss students. Spend time dealing with parent visits/calls, students returning for forgotten items, and straightening up the wreckage.

3:30 More grading/prepping/planning/recording/etc. Put up next day's schedule as well as morning message. Meet with co-workers as necessary. Follow-up on previous conversations/paperwork/concerns. Call parents who need to be filled in on important information from the day.

5:00 Frantically try to get things squared away enough that I can go home. This is my nightly goal.

5:30 Actually head home.

6:00 Decompress. Check e-mail, talk with hubby, have dinner.

6:45 Begin grading/recording/planning. Continue this while half watching, half listening to whatever is on the TV.

9:00 Finally pack school things away. Brush teeth, fall into bed. Consider reading for a few minutes, but usually fall asleep before actually picking up the book.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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