Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Blah dee blah

I don't really have anything to say, but this just popped into my head...

The radio station I listen to plays quite a bit of 80's and 90's music, mixing Prince with Nirvana with Elton John with the Dresden Dolls with all kinds of things. Consequently, I am often hearing songs that I haven't heard in a long time. This is fun, except that I am realizing that all my favorite lover's ballads from that era are filled with misogynistic bullcrap. Jesse's Girl. When a Man Loves a Woman. So many songs talking about the cruelties of women or objectifying them. Some of them, I can't even listen to anymore. Others I just enjoy as throwbacks from an era that is thankfully over. Most of the time I try to remember that they were written by people who were either recently heartbroken or recently fallen in love - neither of which are times when you can be trusted to make a lot of sense.

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