Friday, May 13, 2005


It was downright warm today. I didn't even mind having morning duty this week, it was so nice out. Of course, this only magnifies the "My Brain is Full, Can I Be Excused" attitude that is so prevalent in my classroom these days. We're all ready to be done thinking. I can't wait for all the testing to be over so we can start doing something FUN to use up the rest of the year. Only 24 days of school left!

Speaking of full brains, my kids continue to work on the state tests. While I have no idea how well they are doing, they are at least making a pretense of taking it seriously. This is a good sign. I think. We have one more day to go and then we're done. For a while. District testing still looms around the corner, but if they know enough to take the state test, they can stomp all over the district one.

I would just like to say a thankful prayer for brothers and good choices and taking the chance on healing. That whole situation just continues to get better.

I would also like to send some healing thoughts to my Aunt Kate who is currently at the Mayo undergoing tests and probes. Hopefully, they will learn what they need to know to take care of this problem and get her back home with her family. Once again my relatives are showing how great they are by banding together to support one of our own. My relatives are some of the best!

Anyway. That pretty much sums up the later half of my week. I'll be back tomorrow, maybe even with something interesting to say.

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