Saturday, June 12, 2004

Ask, and they will answer...

Thanks to Kathy, Mikey and Daddy for their responses to my question about political awareness. It was great to hear your stories. I guess I will have to be asking more questions!

Things have been quite busy around here. With the end of the year approaching (much faster than the unchanging countdown to the right might suggest), I have been frantically getting final grades, finishing assessments, struggling with spring fever induced madness, and generally getting things done. I have too late and too tired to even turn on my computer for the last three days.

Our kitten is doing well. He is still driving the big kitties crazy, but no one is getting hurt. Our sleep has suffered some (except for the night right after his shots - he was out like a light!) and the couch is being sorely mistreated, but we seem to be settling in. The big kitties are not on speaking terms with us right now, as we just recently returned from a trip to the vet. He is the nicest guy, but they just don't like visiting him.

My brother is once again having problems. I haven't been able to come up with a solution or really help much at all. I hope things are going well, as I haven't heard anything for several days. To sum up my feelings in a sentence: He needs to get a good, hard dose of reality and get used to taking care of himself. That means he needs to get a job and start paying his own bills. Nothing encourages you to get a good night's sleep quite like having to get up early for work. And nothing encourages you to get up early for work quite like having to pay your bills or starve. He's a good boy, just a little wrapped up in himself these days. It is time for him to grow up.

That is about it. I still have tons of school stuff to take care of, so I don't know how often I will be online this week. But rest assured that as of next Monday, I will be here more than you can possible stand. You won't be able to keep up with all the bored drivel I will be posting. Doesn't that sound nice? :)

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