Wednesday, June 23, 2004

My husband ROCKS

There are so many reasons why I love my Mikey...his kindness, his intelligence, his caring...I could go on for days. But today I want to comment on just one thing - one very big, very important thing. I love my Mikey because he knows me SO WELL. He knows what I like, what I dislike, what I am afraid of, what I need, what I hope and dream. He knows the real me more than anyone else in this whole entire existence. And every once in a while, he will do some little thing - some gesture or off-hand remark - that makes my heart ache with pleasure. Because to be known, and loved, like that is the foundation of life itself.

In today's mail, I received a package. It contained several stickers that I know have to decide where to place. Some will go to school ("education is everywhere", "don't stop believing", "eat more veggies"), some will end up on my car ("you can't kill for peace", "don't lie to kids"), and others will no doubt find their way to appropriate places around the house ("quit being passive" on the TV, for example). The variety and message of these stickers tells me that my Mikey knows me and cares for me just the way I am. He encourages me to be a little bit nutty, a little bit off-the-wall, a little bit louder than I need to be. In fact, his support and acceptance allow me to reach beyond my own comfort zone into the place I wish I could be, out there with the other people who aren't afraid to be different and speak their mind.

If you want to speak your mind, but haven't found the sticker or button that says quite the right thing, you need to check out the place Mikey got my stickers - (They are unamerican in the way that disagreeing with your president or opposing a war are.) And if they don't have what you want, they are always open to suggestions. You might also want to check out the blog of the owner and operator, Srini.

And remember:
"Do not buy anything from any bake sale the air force may hold to buy a bomber because those bombs will kill people." sticker

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