Monday, June 28, 2004

Some Vacation!

Our office staff is going on vacation starting the 1st of July, so it is imperative that I finish packing and moving before then. Not so much because I am not allowed to be at the school (I am), and not so much because it isn't nice being there alone (It is), but because I would have to mess with the alarm system any time I wanted to go, and that is a pain. So, today I spent the afternoon packing and cleaning and hauling and moving and lifting and organizing. I am feeling very good with how things are going, especially since I took care in packing to make things easy to unpack in the fall. Once the previous occupant is completely out and the cleaning crew finishes their tasks, I will be able to begin setting things up to my liking. And to be honest with you - setting things up ROCKS! There is nothing quite like a clean, organized room just bursting with potential. Except maybe a messy, chaotic room in the midst of learning.

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