Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bit o' Rambling

~ The garden is nearly turned over. The seeds will be planted this afternoon, and hopefully they will be ready for planting in March when the weather starts to cooperate again. (Kathy, did you notice how I was punished for my bragging?)

~ Mia caught a mouse today. She found the hole and either made a lucky guess or heard it moving around underground. She dug into the hole until she found the poor little thing and then carried it around the yard proudly. Yikes. At least, not being a cat, she didn't feel the need to give it to me as a present. She kept it all for herself.

~ My knees are killing me. This isn't really anything new, but this time I can't say it is because I have been lazy. I've been on my feet constantly at school, and the dogs have had me out walking twice a day on off days. This concerns me some as I feel I am a bit young to have arthritic type symptoms showing up every time the weather changes.

~ Last week my class took a states and capitals test. With the exception of about 6 of them, they all failed it. I lectured profusely on the need to actually STUDY since this was one of those things you just have to memorize. I told them on no uncertain terms that they WOULD BE PASSING the retake or THERE WOULD BE CONSEQUENCES. I graded the retakes today. With the exception of about 6, they all passed with flying colors. Much better.

~ Just finished reading Stephen King's IT for the 284th time. It remains one of my favorite stories. I get so enthralled in the character development. Each time I read it I make some new connection or notice another well crafted passage. Of course, each time I read it my disliking of the ending is renewed as well. What is it with King and spider creatures from outer space?

~ Ollie is adorable. See?

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