Friday, February 10, 2006

Doggy Update #2

The dogs are doing well. So far there has been no digging or chewing or unmanagable behavior. They get SUPER excited at the thought of being with us, and then they start jumping and climbing on us. Not sure how to cure them of that, but we're working on it. They don't like being locked in the cat/dog run at night so they have started barking some in the early morning. It doesn't really bother me, but Mikey notices it more. I'm sure the neighbors aren't crazy about it either, but since they have barking dogs as well, I don't worry too much. They continue to be very sweet and lovable. When it is time to get locked in for the night, they don't balk or make me chase them. They come when they are called no matter where they are on the property and they spend most of their time looking for pets and praise. The female reacts to scolding in a way that suggests she may have been smacked in the past, cowering and the like. She is a very good listener about most things - only had to tell her once to stay off the front steps - and very eager to please. The male is a muscle head. He just wants everyone to love him and play with him. He is not a quick learner, but not out of bad intentions. He's just not that bright. He would love to be a lap dog, a bit of a challenge since he's 60-some pounds! I am going to miss them when they go. Speaking of which, they will probably be interviewing new owners next weekend at the Animal Rescue place nearby. I sincerely hope we find someone who deserves them and who will give them the life they deserve.

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