Sunday, February 12, 2006

Spring has Sprung

It has been warm, high 40's at night and breaking into the 70's during the day. Thanks to the dogs, I have been spending much more time outside enjoying this springtime weather. Neither of the dogs understands the concept of "fetch" so most of our time together involves walking the perimeter of the fence (have to keep all the holes filled or Mia the Brainiac figures out how to escape) and checking on my orchard.

There's good news and bad news in that area. The bad news: something bit or broke off all the branches of the pomegranite. It was by far the shrimpiest of our trees, but I am still disappointed. I'm still watching it with the hopes that it will manage to come back from it, but I am not going to bet the house on it. The good news is that we have seen evidence of growth from some of the other trees. The cherry has the slightest stripe of green on one bud, as does the mulberry (that one might be my overactive imagination). All four of the lilacs are definitely budding and one was showing signs of leafing this morning. Very exciting!

I have been somewhat inspired by the warm weather and the newly extended outside time. Yesterday I hand turned the beginnings of my garden. I only got about three rows done before my back was aching and my blisters raising, but it is a start. I plan to do a row or two each day. When it is done (maybe next weekend?) I will stop by Home Depot and stock up on seeds and starter plants. I know, Home Depot is an evil corporation and all that, but the local nursery doesn't do seedlings, only trees and shrubs. Sorry.

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