Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Mmmm...tastes like chicken!

My favorite thing about teaching is the variety of conversations that happen. There is never a dull moment, especially with hormone-ridden pre-teens. The other day my class and I were talking about the first years of the English colony called Jamestown. The whole discussion was fun: comparing Disney movies to reality, discussing the cultural differences of the colonists and the Powhatan tribe, explaining how challenging life was at that time. The most interesting part, by far, was trying to make a bunch of well-fed, comfortable 5th graders understand why the starving, freezing colonists were willing to eat dogs, cats, shoes, and even those who had already died during that horrible winter and how it didn't make them bad people, just desperate ones.

I'm worried that some of them were too convinced and are know envisioning their tablemates as giant roasted turkeys like in the cartoons! :)

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