Monday, February 13, 2006

Random Ramblings

~ Ollie freaked out while sitting on my lap (again) and scratched the crap out of my arm. I am getting a little tired of all the bleeding I have done lately. Gotta get some Neosporin on these slash marks soon...they are burnin'.

~ We made stops at all kinds of plant related places today. The Pipe and Supply place provided, well, pipe. And supplies. We actually got everything we need to set our little orchard up with a drip system for the summer. At the nursery we bought tons of seeds - onions, scallions, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes (red, yellow, and roma), bell peppers, two types of corn, a variety bean pack, eggplant, cucumbers, acorn squash (one of the few squashes that I like), spinach, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme*, oregano, many types of lettuce, and probably some stuff that I am not remembering. We also got some bigger pots for the long-suffering houseplants. Our final stop at Home Depot landed us enough chicken wire to fence the perimeter of the garden, poles to hold up the chicken wire, two new hoses, and some of those little biodegradable pots that you start seeds in. So, now our trees will be happy, our garden will be happy, and our bellies will be happy (in a few months).

~ We made the mistake of leaving the drip line supplies outside after we went in. The dogs thought they made great toys. I spent several minutes as the sun was going down searching the yard for miniscule connector pieces. Poor Mia was so upset by my grumbling that she was afraid to come near me. That girl is SO sensitive. Had to go out later to play with her so she would know that I wasn't mad.

* Come on, admit it. You sang along. You know you did.

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