Monday, December 08, 2003

Life isn't Fair

I guess I spoke too soon last night. I did get to stay home today, but not because I was playing hooky. That cold had not actually retreated. It had simply run off behind the hills to rally its forces. It snuck up on my while I was sleeping, blockading my left nostril and holding my mind hostage. So much so that when I went in to write up my sub plans it took me almost 90 minutes (despite the fact that I already had my own lessons written up) AND I took the necessary componants of a major assignment for the day home with me. By the time I realized, they didn't need them anymore, but I doubt I would have had the moral or physical strength to go in again anyway. Poor sub. I will have to call and apologize. I hope they were nice to her. They aren't always, you know.

Today I managed to get presents wrapped and a few papers graded in-between breaks. I wish I could take tomorrow off too, since I know I am still not up to snuff (the little guys are gonna eat me alive tomorrow!), but I am not about to waste any more sick days. I have two week's worth of vacation coming soon. I can rest then. In the meantime - GO, GO, GO! And I am going to GO right now. Right off to bed. Wish me speedy health. Or at least the ability to breath all night. :)

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