Tuesday, March 08, 2005


An example of just how used to my daily routine I am? Tonight, when I arrived home, I thought I had somehow turned at the wrong street (even though there is no other street like this) and pulled into the wrong drive. Why? Because there was a car in our driveway. I'm not used to having a car in our driveway unless it is mine. Especially not ones with Nevada plates. So, after quickly checking and double checking that, yes, in fact, I am at the right house, I walked up to my door, wondering what was going on.

What a wonderful surprise - my aunt and uncle had stopped by on a Cabin Fever trip they were taking. They flew into Vegas and drove through the desert by way of Temecula on their way towards the ocean. We caught up over a yummy dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant (thanks again for dinner, you two!) and then gave them some suggestions on how to continue the trip.

I am absolutely thrilled to have family stop by for a visit. Usually, I only get to see family when I head home to MN, and those trips are always too hectic and too short. It was great to be the one to get visited. :)

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