Monday, August 16, 2004

And, boy, are my feet tired!

I spent the day in my new classroom, taking everything out of storage and setting things up is what I hope is the most usable, teacher-friendly way. I got my classroom library set up, arranged the desks (all facing forward, I am afraid), put a mini-computer lab in the back of the room, and sorted through paper supplies, art supplies, and more writing utensils that you can shake a ruler at.

I even managed to watch some Olympics while I was at it. Can I just say that the sychronized diving event was SERIOUSLY disappointing? I am happy that Greece got to win the gold on this, their very first time in this event, but the other teams were choking right and left. It just wasn't a good competition.

The only problems with the day? 1 - One shelf in my cupboard is CRAAAAWLING with ants. 2 - My feet are killing me. Other than that, everything was like but-ta. Like but-ta, ah tell you.

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