Sunday, August 15, 2004

You know you missed these random ramblings...

*I am receiving 6 months of Time magazine for free after doing some kind of feedback thing online. Pretty cool. Mikey is also getting some computer magazine.

*I want to see the gymnastics and diving competitions, but I keep forgetting that the Olympics are on.

*Does anyone really believe that "terrorists" would be so stupid as to attack the Olympics as a whole - disrupting this planetary tradition and forcing those who hate us into siding with us? Just wondering.

*There is a Monk marathon happening right now.

*I am in that foggy fog that comes from getting up way too early (3:0 am), trying to sleep jammed in between two strangers on an airplane, and taking a nap that wasn't quite long enough. Plus I am thirsty.

*America West is now my airline of choice.

*If you haven't read The Milagro Beanfield War, you should. Don't worry if it takes awhile to really fall into it - it is worth the struggle. I have a feeling that something in my life will end up being called "Milagro".

*That is all. For now. I journaled every day of my trip, but I am not sure what will make it here and what won't. I found it delightfully freeing to be writing for no one but me (and my Mikey). Perhaps I need to do some of my journaling in Word rather than all in Blogger. Hmm.

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