Saturday, August 21, 2004

Bite Your Tongue

I am, of course, happy to count myself among the few who are able to control themselves in times of frustration. I did, after all, work hard to reach this level of self-censorship. Sometimes I worry that I take it a little too far, though. Instead of saying what needs to be said to those who need to hear it, I suppress to the point of nightmares. And yet, what would be the result of saying what needs to be said? Perhaps I would relieve the rock solid shoulder muscles that are a constant part of my being. More likely I would trade the stress of silence for the stress of confrontation and unpleasantness. Let's take a look at the numbers:

Now - 1 stressed me
After verbal sewage dumping - 1 stressed me + indeterminate sad/angry/confused/frustrated others

Math has never been one of my strong suits, but I think I get the basics of that equation. Re-adjusting tongue, throwing back shoulders.

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