Saturday, May 01, 2004


We just finished watching Airplane with a co-worker of mine and her husband. It was fun, and we talked afterwards about this and that. I can't help feeling, however, that I am a lousy hostess. I never know just what to say and I feel very awkward about the introductions and the "can I get you anything?" and the sitting and making small talk. It just isn't something that comes naturally. I often worry that people don't like coming to my house because it is stiff and awkward while they are here.

There are lots of little things about our lifestyle that cause this discomfort - we don't drink, so we have no alcohol. We don't drink caffeine, so our soda choices are limited to Sprite and Root Beer. We don't eat meat, so we serve lots of veggies and pasta and rice. (When your guests are on the Atkin's diet, this can be a REAL problem!) Our house is small, with a limited amount of seating. And neither of us is used to entertaining. It all adds up to stilted conversation and post-party regrets (I can't believe I forgot to offer him water!)

Of course, I also wonder how much of that is strictly in my head. Perhaps my guests don't feel the same way I do and I am simply being too hard on myself. I have been known to do that. But something tells me that it isn't entirely true. I just hope that my friends will stick around long enough to learn that that is just one of my (many) little quirks and learn to overlook it.

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