Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Progress Check

Remember that list of things I had to do before I could leave for MN? Let's see how I have done on it, shall we?

Write celebrations for 10 students
Done. With 5 minutes to spare.
Grade oodles of papers
Never done, but I am not falling any further behind. That's a good thing.
Put said oodles of grades into the computer
Write progress reports for 27 students (an improvement on the 34 that I had to write last time!)
Done. Hooray! And I have lots of kids who are doing very well and/or showing lots of improvement.
Watch two 3 hour tapes for my CLAD class
I did a marathon video night last night and got completely done. Now if only the others would get their tapes done too...
Write sub plans
Check. I hope they make sense and go well. Thank goodness I have the utmost faith in this sub.
Plan my trip
Done. Of course, I might want to PACK SOMETHING, since I leave TOMORROW! Sigh.
Prepare my students for upcoming CAT/6 testing
Riiiiiiight. There is no preparing this group for standardized tests. And they moved the start date up by 1/2 a week. Bastards.
Clean my house
Um. Kinda. We did get the dishes done tonight. After not doing them since Sunday. Double sigh.
Put away the clothes that have been clean and wrinkling in baskets for nearly a week (I HATE wrinkled clothes, too!)
Hehe. I folded them the other day, but they are still in baskets in the living room. A new load is wrinkling in the dryer as I type. Guess I better go fold them or I will be packing nothing but wrinkled clothes before school tomorrow!

Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. I guess I am ready to go.

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