Monday, February 16, 2004

The Return of the Draft?

Haven't looked into it enough to have a definite opinion yet, but I wanted to share this article with you.

Bush has recently given $28 million to the Selective Services System (draft board) for their 2004 budget. They are going through major overhauls and some say gearing up for a 2005 reinstatement of the draft for all men and women between the ages of 18 and 26. They are set to report to Bush in March of 2005 regarding their latest performance plan, which includes public advertising to fill all currently vacant draft board and appeals board positions.

I did some Googling (such an nice, new verb!) and found nothing I would consider reputable. Although being a raving liberal or a conspiracy theorist doesn't automatically make you WRONG, it doesn't automatically make you RIGHT either! Here are some of the references I found...

Vancouver Independent Media Center - the original article I was sent, same as linked above

Information Archives at Northern New York Technologies - an article about Peak Oil written by Prisoner #6 (?), mentions draft about 1/3 of the way down

"Military Draft" search results from - I'm still looking these over, as well as researching into to see what they are all about

Look into it. I am very interested to know what you think about this topic, what information you have found, and what you are going to do with it (whether you agree or disagree, of course). This election is going to come down to who is most motivated to vote and nothing is more motivation than information. Get your information. Get your motivation. Get yourself into a voting booth and speak your mind.

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