Saturday, February 21, 2004

Round the 'Sphere, part II

After a brief interlude, we once again press our faces close to the keyhole to see what's going on in the lives of my favorite neighbors in the bloggerhood. Who do we see?

MomBrain - The Brain has a busy week, and her son aspires to be a smoochiepoo when he grows up.

Caffeinated Ramblings of a Coffee Achiever - A sense of melancholy pervades the site this week, as the Achiever remembers the "good old days" of college life.

Not So Simple - Meegan smacks down a bandwidth thief. When she says "not safe for work" she MEANS it! :)

Da Goddess - Joanie is fighting the idiocy of the drive-thru people and her landlord and still finds time to host the Carnival of the Vanities. Whattagal!

Laid-off Dad - The LOD's toddler adds spice to life's little adventures.

My New Name is Dad - Being a dad must be busy work, 'cause there's nothing new here this week.

Daddy, Papa and Me - Trey, Guy and their adopted daughter, Emma have had an exciting couple of weeks. These guys were one of the couples married in the San Fransisco excitement. A fabulous link to the Justly Married photoblog.

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