Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Plan

6:30 - Rise and Shine, take last warm shower until the 28th (when we get our propane tank in)
7:00ish - IHOP to carbo load for the hauling of boxes
8:00 - pick up Uhaul truck, start loading things
9:30ish - friends and family start arriving to help - YAY friends and family! :)
12:00 - start making cranky calls if I haven't heard word from escrow

rest of day - treat friends and family to lunch, finish packing/hauling, return Uhaul, move cats, SLEEP IN NEW HOUSE!

Wish us moving mojo. My computer will be back up as soon as possible, but I will be in the technological stone age with dialup internet access. Most of that is needed for Mikey to download the bajillion emails he gets everyday, so my posting might be sporadic. Catch you on the flip side!

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