Sunday, April 27, 2003

It's amazing how much real life stuff I can get done when I don't turn on my computer. Of course, I then spend all day thinking of things that I would like to blog about. However, I can remember NONE of them when I am actually sitting here typing. Okay...what's going on in my life?

*I ordered a ton of books (about $60 worth) from the book orders I sent home with the kids. One box came on Friday including my new boxed Chronicles of Narnia set. I decided that it would be cool if I had them recorded on tape so that I could read the books to my students while still being able to get work done in the classroom. Staples had a cute little handheld recorder that is working perfectly. I do feel silly reading it aloud to myself while I'm recording though!

*I also got a boxed set of EB White books - Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little and Trumpet of the Swans.

*Mikey and I mass produced some cds for shipping today. We now have 5 of each game made up. It took us all day. Doesn't sound very efficient, I know, but now that I know the fastest ways to cut the manuals and tray cards it'll go MUCH faster.

*Yesterday we made yummy Vegetarian Lasagna and even yummier Pumpkin Roll. After many weeks of eating out or eating pre-packed meals it was nice to get back to really cooking. We will eat well for the next few days.

*We watched "Three King" (Mark Wahlberg, George Clooney and Ice Cube) for the first time today. I had NO IDEA that it was a political movie. I never was interested in seeing it because I thought it was all about stealing the gold. After the first 5 minutes I knew we were going to enjoy it. After it was over Mikey said "I think this is my new favorite war movie." I agreed. I suggest you see it. It was an eye-opener.

*I got massive amounts of cleaning done in my house yesterday. It rocked.

So...that's it. Nothing too exciting.

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