Saturday, October 26, 2002

A bit for information about Paul Wellstone in case anyone is interested in writing a condolence letter to his family.

"Right now, to our knowledge, neither the campaign nor
Wellstone's remaining two sons have announced how they would
like his death to be commemorated. If you wish to send a letter
of condolence to his campaign, you can mail it to the
following address:

Wellstone for Senate Campaign Headquarters
PO Box 14377
St. Paul, MN 55114

Make sure that you write "In memory" on the outside of the letter --
that way the campaign will be able to sort the mail more easily."

*Address provided by the MoveOn organization, a group dedicated to peace and returning the little guy to the center of political decisions. If you feel that big business is making all the decisions for you or that there are too many politicians ready to send YOUR family to war, you might be interested in receiving their newsletter. Check it out.

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