Saturday, October 05, 2002

Wow. There are some interesting (pronounced "goo' - fee") people out there. Here are some of the most "interesting" things that Mikey and I have found today...

This one is more creative than goofy. (Of course, all that means is that *I* don't think it's as crazy as some others. That means very little!) At least it would be a fun way to learn about the table of elements. This guy made his own Periodic Table Table complete with samples!

A company in Japan is selling Bow-lingual, a tool used to translate canine/human speech. Now you can have a real conversation with your best friend!

Read this book for some real money saving tips - Living on Light. We spend a couple hundred a month on food. What a waste. Not a believer? Check out this interview conducted by
Paul Willis and the Austrailian Broadcasting Corp. and
her personal website.

I'm hungry after wasting all morning on this silliness. Off to lunch...

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