Saturday, September 13, 2003

I am following a new plan regarding how long I stay at school each night. For the past 3 weeks I have been at school from 7:30 am to nearly 7 pm every single day, except Wednesday (guitar) and then spent the rest of the evening and most of the weekend working on things at home. I KNOW that this is not something that I can continue doing. I will be completely burned out before Thanksgiving at this rate. I have to have some down time somewhere. So here's the new plan...

Mon. (bike in) 7:30 - 7:00
Tues. (bike in) 7:30 - 4:00 (no work allowed at home)
Wed. (drive in) 7:30 - 4:30 (guitar, bring things home if needed)
Thur. (bike in) 7:30 - 7:00
Fri. (bike in) 7:30 - 7:00
Sun. (bike in) 8:00 - whenever

This is still an insane schedule when you think about it, but it is much better than the one I have been following. And it forces me to take at least one full day and one evening completely away from school. Raise your hand if you think I will be cheating and working during those times within a week. HA! You're wrong! I won't cheat, because Mikey won't let me.

Now, be honest, how many of you really raised your hand even though you are far away from me and there is no way I could have seen it???

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