Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Old Switcharoo

Sometimes I wonder if there isn't an actual switch buried deep inside me, controlled by my hormones. I can always tell when my hormones are in flux, because I flip from one personality to another within seconds. Last Thursday, I suddenly became the Green Menace in the middle of the day. I ranted and raved over the smallest things that my students did. I expected them to toe the line BEFORE they even knew where the damn line was. Today, I turned into a big ol' marshmallow midway through the day, gazing adoringly at my little monsters as I gently asked them to "please lower your voices" for the 127th time in 5 minutes. No wonder they can't seem to figure out the rules. Their too young to realize that the rules are strongly tied to the calendar.

Disclaimer: I have always hated the "I have PMS" excuse and this is in no way supposed to be a justification for my crazy moodswings. Rather, it is an observation and hopefully a way of monitoring myself more closely. However, I don't suggest you take it for granted that I have learned any self-control during my more deadly moments. I take full responsibility, but that might not help you after I have disemboweled you and eaten your liver with fava beans and a nice Chianti.

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