Sunday, October 06, 2002

Found this great idea on the Simple Living Forum. I liked it so much that I had to put it here. Please, if you are interested, share it on your blog and encourage others to participate.

The idea is a simple one. Commit yourself to doing a set number of good deeds each week. I am going to commit myself to 5 deeds a week. A good deed is anything that you do that helps someone else. Anything that you do with the intention of helping (even if you get some kind of benefit, too, like donating to the salvation army and getting a tax reciept) counts. The idea is that you have made a commitment so you are more likely to actually do it and that being able to share your accomplishment and get praise from others will reinforce the habit.

Since it is Sunday today, I think that I will make my plans for the week each Sunday and report back on how well I do in following through. I want to hear about what you are doing, too!! If you post on your own blog, leave a link for us to check out. Okay, so here's my plan for the week...

1. pick up the trash along my walk path today
2. make homemade bread and store in a recycled bag
3. take shorter showers this week
4. send cards to 3 people
5. fill the bird feeder

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