Friday, October 04, 2002

I am a bad homeowner. I received not one, but TWO notices from the homeowner's association today. I hate that. I don't like being told what to do. I KNOW that I knew there were rules when I moved in, and I KNOW that the rules are there for a reason and I KNOW that they need to be enforced. But, damn it, I don't like it when rules interfere with what I want to do!!! : ) Yes, I sound unreasonable. But it ticks me off that I paid an arm and a leg to own a piece of property and seems like everyone and his brother is sending me letters telling me just how little control I have over it. And if you know anything about me, you know that I have a few control issues! Why the hell did it cost so much if I don't have some kind of OWNERSHIP!?!?!?! Grrrrr. Obviously I am going to have to move somewhere further out of town next time. This here city life is stiffling me. Dad-blame-it!

So, today has been productive. I don't feel guilty for not working at all! We did the laundry, washed the dishes, made a fancy crock-pot dinner, cleaned the dining room, mowed and trimmed up both lawns, and I got some school work done. Now I am tired and cranky. And to top it all off, both my favorite conversationalists are out of commision this weekend, one being drowned in Hurricane Lili and the other left computerless by her hubby. I think I will take the night off. Firefly is on, you know. : )

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