Thursday, October 17, 2002

On Vacation

1. DisneyLand or DisneyWorld? DisneyLand. It's close by. I prefer Magic Mountain over either of them.
2. Amusement park or Themed park? Amusement. I LOVE rollercoasters! And the Pirate Ship. And those REALLY BIG swings...vestibular stimulation is a good thing.
3. Seashore or Mountains? How about the seashore with mountains off in the distance?
4. Hotel/Motel or rental house? Rental house. With a maid.
5. Guided tour or aimless meandering? Aimless meandering. Tours always take you to the "Hard Rock Cafe"-y places and I want to see the "Mom and Pop" places.
6. Drive or Fly or Boat? Fly to a place where I can go boating and not have to see a car for days.
7. Close or far away from home? Far away. I want to see the world.
8. Daytrip or by the week? By the week. It's hard to see Italy in a day.
9. Camping in a tent or the Holiday Inn? Holiday Inn. I can't go camping without drowning in the rain. Just ask my father...
10. Rent a car or drive your own? Rent. A fancy, red convertible sports car that goes fast. Why not?

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