Thursday, October 17, 2002

I am reading a facinating blog tonight. It is written by a homeless man. I haven't figured the whole thing out yet, but he uses a library computer and has become fairly famous - interviewed by USA Today and what-not. He has quite a following of people, both supportive and not. It is interesting and a real eye opener. Having always lived in a home with all the basic necessities and many extra treats, there are quite a few aspects of homeless life that I have never thought about. Kevin, the author, is a well spoken, intelligent man with quite a bit of insight. The following is a quote from his blog.

"Bleeding Hearts
I've always had a little problem with the cliche, "Bleeding Hearts." I first heard the phrase when I was a kid, and like most kids, I took the phrase literally - and I agreed. Yes, hearts do bleed. They bleed constantly - that's what they're made for. As a matter of fact, hearts bleed so much that blood has to be constantly pumped back into them. And even more importantly, when hearts stop bleeding, they die."

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