Monday, July 18, 2005

ONE of Us Screamed Like a Girl

Last night, Zazzy was hunting the biggest freakin' bug I have ever seen in my life. It is obvious that it is a centipede of some kind, but you would think that the centipede identification process were a well protected government secret given the difficulty we have had identifying just what kind it is. They say it's a good thing to have them, because they eat the bugs that are in your house and with our 104 degree temps lately there are plenty of bugs seeking refuge in the house. I would be more inclined to let it stay and less inclined to STOMP IT TO DEATH if it weren't so creepy looking. Did you look at that thing? Imagine trying to sleep knowing there is one not 3 feet away from you, ready to climb into bed and snuggle up next to you.

Despite his obvious horror, Mikey made a valiant attempt to capture the thing (while I held the cats at bay), but instead of allowing itself to be put outside like a good bug should do, it squeezed its way into a tiny crack in a doorframe. Eventually, we worked up the courage to turn out the lights again, hoping that Zazzy would continue her vigilant guard until morning.

You should really read Mikey's account of the event. It made me snort water up my nose.

PS - It wasn't really so much of a scream, as a shouted vulgarity in frantic pitches. And it WASN'T me.

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