Sunday, May 18, 2003

Hooray for chore days. I know that sounds sick, but it feels so good to walk through my house and see the vacuumed floors, the washed dishes, the cleared off table, the folded laundry...I can sleep better when my house is clean.

Speaking of sleep - what the hell is wrong with me? For at least a month now my sleep patterns have been trashed. For years I have gone to bed at about 10 pm and gotten up at about 7 am pretty regularly. On my days off I sometimes sleep in, but usually only until about 8 or 9 am. When I go to bed I usually fall asleep within minutes. This works for me. It keeps me from being tired. I like that. However, for several weeks it has taken me hours to fall asleep. I lie there in bed and for some reason my brain just won't shut off. It spins around and around in a million different directions, keeping me awake into the early hours of the morning. Last night, I was still awake at 2 am. Ugh.

I have found a way to put those hours to good use, though. I have designed a great little shelf system that I am going to build for my future classroom (someday when they decide to stop jerking me around and actually tell me where I will be). I have put together the perfect daily planner. I have thought about how to assign and check homework, how to maintain weekly contact with parents, how to develop classroom rules, and what jobs to assign to the children. Lots of good things, now if I could just get a classroom to use them in. : )

And to end this aimless, little post I would like to comment that it is difficult to follow movies on the Sci-Fi channel while doing other things. Especially on days like today. In honor of the Matrix Reloaded they were having a movie marathon. All the movies were about computer generated realities and artificial intelligence. A couple of them were actually pretty decent (compared to most movies on the Sci_Fi channel), but they are all conveluted enough that if you aren't paying attention you will quickly get lost.

Okay. That's it. I work tomorrow so I should probably get myself ready. Have a nice night, y'all.

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