Monday, May 12, 2003

It is an interesting phenomenon that when I am sick I end up getting more chores done. I feel guilty for my lack of energy and push myself to get things done that I normally would just leave until the next day. Why? When I am healthy I don't feel guilty for being lazy. Wierd.

Anyway, yesterday we got TONS of stuff done. We tamed the wilderness that had taken over both of our yards. Remember when I put the fertalizer on the lawns? Well, the most apparent consequence of this action is that both lawns immediately went to seed. The back yard had grasses standing as tall as my waist when I finally attacked it with the mower. Very sad. Then I called one of my grammas and my mom. Had nice, long chats with both of them. Took a shower and headed to Red Robin to have lunch. My students gave me a gift certificate for Teacher Appreciation Week. We even splurged and got an appetizer! We walked off the extra calories by wandering around the mall for several hours and then went home where I tried to use one of the iron on transfers that I made only to find that my cheap little iron doesn't get hot enough. Finished off the day with a conversation with my father and step-mother. Fell into bed and slept like a rock. Of course, I feel worse today, but at least I can spent the day lounging in the sun without feeling guilty. I hope.

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