Saturday, May 17, 2003

I knew it was coming, but I still missed it...

My blog turned 1 year old on Wednesday, May 14. Let's take a peek at my auspicious beginnings, shall we?

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

I think this is going to be cool. Not that I have anything even remotely interesting to say but it is worth a shot, isn't it? Everyone has one of these fancy websites and it is about time that I have one too! Here and now, I promise myself to write here as often as I can and to use this page to stretch my thinking muscles a little. Hooray!!
- Soleil, 5:14 PM

This is my first post. Is this even going to work at all? I really wonder.
- Soleil, 5:12 PM

Yeah, well I like to think it's improved some since then.

I have tried to maintain a journal many times in my life, but it never worked out. I would start out all gung-ho about it, gradually losing interest over the course of the first month or two. I thought that might happen with the blog, too. Instead, I got more and more attached to it. I rely on it more and more every day to vent the little frustrations that pop up. Before the blog, these frustrations would build until I had a major melt-down. Now, I let it all out on an nearly daily basis. I can feel the difference. I like it.

Perhaps I will peruse my archives and present you with a few of my better posts. Of course, *I* am the one judging what's to be labelled "better", so be warned. Or perhaps I will forget to do it at all, so don't hold your breath. : )

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