Sunday, February 09, 2003

The following conversation took place while I was preparing my class for the field trip. We were playing a little game in which they had to tell me whether they agreed or disagreed with each statement.

Teacher: OK...agree or disagree? "I will take my shoes off if my feet start to hurt."
Students: NOO!! (lots of shaking heads and thumbs down signs.)
Teacher: Good. We shouldn't be taking our shoes off for any reason. That is why we are going to wear our most comfortable sneakers tomorrow.
Teacher: (Calling on a student who is raising his hand.) Yes?
Student: But what if a spider crawls inside our shoe?? If we don't get it out, it could bite us!

I reassured him that if he got a spider in his shoe we would get it out. I also told the whole class that if they felt is was necessary to break a rule that they needed to check with me first. This brought on a rash of other concerns...
Student: What if a coyote tries to get us?
Teacher: They are afraid of us and they will probably all be hiding when they hear us coming.
Student: What about a mountain lion that isn't afraid of us?
Teacher: Park rangers wouldn't let us go there if there were animals that would hurt us. However, we do have to be careful by staying with the group and not making them feel threatened.
Student: What if I get a sprained ankle?
Teacher: They have first aid kits there.
Student: What if someone gets lost?
Teacher: No one will get lost.

What a bunch of worry worts I have! They managed to have a very good time. And I was right...No one got lost! : ) Or eaten by a mountain lion. Although I did see a sign warning that one of the trails was closed due to a mountain lion sighting! I am just glad that none of the kids noticed!

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